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The Centre for Short and Long term
Psycho – Social Rehabilitation & Deaddiction.

Nirmal Hospital, Deaddiction & Rehab Centre, Miraj has specially designed program for persons Various Types Of Addiction With Major and Minor Mental Health problems to function as actively adaptively and independently in society at maximum possible level. The program supports person (RESIDENTS) at Nirmal Hospital, Deaddiction And Rehabilitation Centre, Miraj to streng then and restore the necessary individual skills, abilities and environmental supports to improve their personal, social, family, occupational and educational spaces of life.

Nirmal Hospital, Deaddiction & Rehabilitation Centre Miraj’s Short Term Psycho Social Rehabilitation is evidence based program which Promotes recovery improved quality of life and full social reintegration for people suffering from Various Addiction Or any mental health condition seriously affecting their ability to lead normal meaningful life.

1. OPD Basis Treatment
2. Short Term Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Care.
3. Long Term Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Care.
4. IPD Basis / Admission
5. Counselling.
6. Stress Management Techniques

Types Of Mental Illness
01) Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorder. PDF Download
02) Schizo affective Disorder
03) Bipolar Mood Disorder. PDF Download
04) Major Depressive Disorder PDF Download
05) Substance related disorder. [Addictions:- Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis, Bhang, Ganja, Charas, Brown Sugar etc. PDF Download
06) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. PDF Download
07) Dementia. PDF Download
08) Mental Retardation with Behavioural Problems. PDF Download
09) Anxiety & Psychosomatic Problems. PDF Download
10) Disorders During Infancy, Childhood or Adolescence. PDF Download
11) Delirium, Dementia and Amnesic and other cognitive disorders. PDF Download
12) Mental disorder due to General Medical Condition. PDF Download
13) Factitious disorder: (Munchausen Syndrome)
14) Dissociative disorder - Dissociative amnesia/ Fugue/Identity disorder/Depersonalization disorder. PDF Download
15) Sexual and Gender Identity Disorder. PDF Download
16) Eating disorder: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa.
17) Sleep Disorders.
18) Impulse Control Disorders : Kleptomania, Pyromania, Trichotillomania Etc.
19) Adjustment disorder
20) Personality disorders

Psychiatric Illnesses treated at Nirmal Hospital, Deaddiction & Rehab Centre, Miraj

1. ANXITY / DEPRESSION / PHOBIA:- In this condition patient feels depressed Lonely, Feels like Crying, Reduced Appetite, Feeling sad, Weight loss, occasionally wait gain, Patient gets suicidal ideations, Lack of confidence, feels worthless, hopelessness, worthlessness etc..
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2. SCHIZOPHRENIA:- In this condition patient gets unknown fear, Suspiciousness towards peoples as talking about him planning something in food or Water to kill him or her. Patients becomes aggressive / abusive / assaultive / gets hearing of voices in absence of anyone, Muttermg to self, smiles / weeps without reason. Sometimes patient becomes withdrawn, does not mix with others, Neglects personal care& hygiene, does not take bath In chronic stage, passes urine and stool at inappropriate places too.
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3. SOMATO FORM DISORDER:- In this condition patient gets multiple physical complaints E.g. pain in chest / Abdomen, Headache, Low backache, pain in extremities, Heaviness of Head, Dryness of , mouth, Hyperacidity patients feels he has same major illness Few patients gets sexual symptoms, menstrual problems etc. All Investigations Are a found To Be Negative We do not get any abnormal finding in almost all investigations including blood test, sonography, x-ray, too
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4. OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER:- In this condition patients gets unwanted / un necessary repeated intrusive thoughts, Repeated checking doors, tap water, lights, locks etc. Repeated counting, Repeated hand washing, behaviour, Excessive cleanliness, Excessive use of water, taking long time for bath etc.
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5. HEADACHE:- Headache may be Local / diffused, dull or throbbing, episodic or continuous, precipitated by sleep or particular food like ice – cream, chocolate etc. Relieved by sleep, Medicines, depending upon type of Headache. So Patient may need EEG/CT/MRI Brain like investigations.

6. EPILEPSY:- In this illness patient gets lock jaw, up brolling of eyeballs, tongue bite, frothing from mouth, voids urine in clothes, may get vomiting, Headache with total or partial lass of consciousness . To diagnose Epilepsy EEG Should be done patient May require MRI / CT Scan to know the exact cause.
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7. MANIA:- In this condition patient feels as a great person, talks big things, feels happy, joyful,spending sprees,some patients becomes overactive / Aggressive, violent with Decreased need of sleep.May get grandiose ideas etc.

8. GERIATRIC ILLNESS / old age Problems / Dementia:- In this condition patient gets forgetfulness, unable to recall past events, unable to recognize peoples / places, poor orientation to time / places / person. Patients makes mistakes at work, repeatedly asks for tea, food even if he was already given etc, can't do day today activity, can't wear shirt,pants etc.
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9. Childhood Problem:- Fear of going to School, fear of examination, poor scholastic performance, unable to concentrate at studies, stammering, stuttering, speech,bed wetting, attention deficit hyper activity disorder, Mental Retardation , thumb sucking, pica etc...
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10. Sexual Disorders:- Patients gets complaints like...
1. Feels generalised weakness, Gets anxiety before performance
2. Difficulty in Maintaining Erection
3. Difficulty in initiation and Maintaining Erection
4. Lack of Erection
5. Feels as having small size genitalia
6. Curvature of penis Lt / Rt side
7. H/O Masturbation
8. Feeling guilty about Masturbation
9. H/O Night fall
10. Passing that through urine
11. H/O exposure

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11. Designated classes of pharmacological agents (i.e. Substance) / Addictive Substance :
1) Alcohol
2) Anabolic steroids
3) Caffeine
4) Cannabis
5) Cocaine
6) Hallucinogens
7) Inhalants
8) Nicotine
9) Opioid
10) Drugs - Sedatives, Hypnotism and anxiolytics